Tunza was developed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) who acknowledged the need for a book to stimulate environmental action among young people. Through participatory discussions and suggestions,particularly from participants at the Global Youth Forum held in Denmark in March 2002, young people from around the world helped to produce a book that would provide them and their contemporaries with a reference and forum on key environmental issues. The aim being to motivate and guide young people on actions they can take in their local communities to help sustainable development.
... TUNZA Youth Strategy' (today it is called 'TUNZA Eco-generation')64 – the word 'TUNZA' means 'to treat with care or affection' in Kiswahili (a sub-regional language of Eastern Africa). The overall TUNZA concept is an initiative that is ...
Tessa investigates the mystery of where the fish that live in the waters near her home have gone and learns about water pollution and depletion of marine resources.
The work focuses on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), to which all UN members have committed in order to address the root causes of poverty and inequality.
United Nations, United Nations Environment Programme. UNEP is aware thai global environmental policy setting and implementation in today's globalizing world tan only be effective if full account is taken of regional priorities.
... Tunza out of solitary confinement into a cell with others. A month later, they told him he would be released—only to move him and seven other Kenyans to a separate place of detention. In February 2008, Ethiopian police officers broke ...
United Nations Environment Programme. vehicles through which UNEP engages partners in environmental activities . The impact of WED is evidenced by the increasing number of voluntary initiatives and actions that governments , the private ...
... Tunza Junior Board and youth constitute the Tunza Youth Advisory Council. The Tunza strategy comprises fourkey focus areas for activities: awareness building, participation in decision-making, capacity building and information exchange ...
... Tunza generated a network of over 30,000 children and youth organizations allowing UNEP to reach out to millions of young people worldwide.67 Tunza International Children and Youth Conferences also offer opportunities for adopting ...
Martha Few, Women Who Live Evil Lives: Gender, Religion, and the Politics of Power in Colonial Guatemala (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002), 104. 12. SANM 5:166. 13. Ibid., 173. Few points out that female sorcerers were not ...
... Tunza Family Health Network Initiative The Tunza Family Health Network was launched in Kenya in 2008 to serve low income populations. The Tunza franchise promises friendly, quick and affordable services offered by qualified health ...