Mountain areas cover a quarter of the Earth's land surface, with 26 percent of the global population living in them or very close by.Mountain people and mountain environments are particularly threatened by global environmental change and economic and political forces. A disproportionate number of conflicts occur in mountain regions, and their inhabitants include many of the poorest and most vulnerable in the world.How can we preserve fragile mountain ecosystems that provide critical goods and services, while improving the conditions of those who live there? This book explores these issues, with particular emphasis on appropriate institutions and policies for sustainable mountain development. The book includes information from the Bishkek Global Mountain Summit, the concluding global event of the International Year of Mountains 2002.
The Benefits or Costs of EU Membership Brian Hindley & Martin Howe Occasional Paper 99 ( new edition ) ; ISBN 0 255 36502 0 £ 10.00 Buckingham at 25 Freeing the Universities from State Control Edited by James Tooley Readings 55 ; ISBN 0 ...
Strategic Trade Policy: A Survey of Issues and Early Analysis
This book develops an approach to international political economy that focuses on culture.
當別人的風險變成你的風險,如何解決隱藏在生活中的不對等困境 納西姆.尼可拉斯.塔雷伯 吳瑞淑 ... 自私基因(問題是:我們所讀有關行為科學進步的不少東西,有可能)和他的同事(包括生物學家艾德華・威爾森[ ] )談自私基因理論的致命缺陷研究,引起了風暴。
本书结合应用型本科教学的实践,遵循科学性、理论性和现实性相统一的原则,以生产关系为研究对象,从政治经济学的一般原理开始,简要阐述了经济制度和经济运行的规律,主要 ...
A contemporary history of the Third World that explains why most of these countries failed to develop in ways which benefit the majority of their populations.
In the 1990s globalization was the buzzword; it promises to become ever more important in the first decade of the 21st century. One view suggest that globalization can be dated...
Exit strategies from the current financial crisis that may lead us toward a new horizon of constructing the common.Crisis in the Global Economy is the latest and most innovative collective...
This book is carefully designed and correlated to the thirteen telecourse video programs to enrich your understanding of economic principles.
This classic text has sold well for a half century because it covers all the conventional areas of international economics in an easy-to-understand manner. The 13th edition continues to provide...