The Guide's notable features include: article-by-article commentary on the ICC Rules, enriched by the authorsand¿ personal involvement in their drafting and years of experience as arbitrators, counsel, and former Secretaries General of the ...
Article 5(2): “The Secretariat may grant the respondent an extension of the time for submitting the Answer, provided the application for such an extension contains the respondent's observations or proposals concerning the number of ...
Volume VI: J.-J. Arnaldez, Y. Derains and D. Hascher, Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards - Recueil des sentences arbitrales de la CCI 2008-2011 (Kluwer Law International/ ICC Publishing, 2013) ccxxxvi-1072pp.
Focusing on the 2012 ICC Rules and– which apply to all ICC arbitrations commenced on or after 1 January 2012 unless the parties have agreed that an earlier version should apply and– this book serves the needs of the following parties: ...
Rev. ed of : Guide to arbitration and related services offered by the International Chamber of Commerce. 1983.
Have you ever been frustrated that arbitration folk aren't more numerate? The Guide to Damages in International Arbitration is a desktop reference work for those who'd like greater confidence when dealing with the numbers.
Foreword --Introduction --Expedited Proceedings in International Arbitration --Expedited Rules and the Possibility of Immediate Measures once a Tribunal is Constituted --The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy --Sports Arbitration ...
ICC Guide to ICC Arbitration
The ICC Rules of Arbitration ('the Rules') constitute one of the world's oldest and most widely used sets of rules for international commercial disputes. On January 1, 1998, new rules...
***NO SALES RIGHTS IN SWITZERLAND*** This second edition of the first comprehensive commentary on the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration covers the new version of these rules which entered into force on 1 June 2012.