Joining Forces: Collaborative Processes for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism

Joining Forces: Collaborative Processes for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism
Joining Forces
Political Science / Public Policy / Regional Planning
World Tourism Organization
World Tourism Organization


There is growing appreciation that sustainable tourism requires a strong process of collaboration between the wide range of actors who can influence its impact or who are affected by it, both in the global north and south. The purpose of this study is to assist stakeholders concerned with the sustainability of tourism to work better together. While a number of other publications have looked at technical issues of tourism sustainability, this study focuses on collaborative processes: Who should collaborate and why they should do so; the actions to deliver sustainability which most require a collaborative approach and at what levels; and, finally, how collaborative processes can be established and strengthened and the factors for success.

As part of the study, nine international case studies were prepared on a range of diverse issues, including community-based tourism development, tackling child sex tourism and national tourism policy development, all of which have informed the study's key findings.

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