The study presented below forms part of a larger project whose aim is to provide a comparative analysis of the rights of individuals in law proceedings before the highest courts of different States and before certain international courts. The objective is to describe the various remedies developed under domestic law that are available through the UK courts including the Supreme Court which, though not a constitutional court in the classic Kelsenian model, does sits at the apex of the appellate court structure in the UK. The study commences with an historical introduction which stresses the absence in domestic law of a clearly delineated sense of what counts as 'constitutional'. In traditional accounts of the UK Constitution there is no hierarchy of higher order 'constitutional' and 'ordinary' Acts of Parliament. Neither has a separate court structure developed to handle exclusively constitutional claims, although specialised ad hoc tribunals do exist in public law contexts. The underpinning principles remain (i) the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty and (ii) the rule of law. After this introduction, a review is provided of the main remedies and procedures used for the redress of grievances against public bodies. In a subsequent section of materials, a table of the main sources of individual rights against the state is provided. The domestic status of constitutional conventions and international law are dealt with in this part. Then, an account of the substantive norms informing the standards of effective protection for the individual is given, including some critical commentary on the operation of key provisions. The concluding section compares the benefits and drawbacks of specialised tribunal adjudication, the 'politicised' nature of certain judicial review proceedings against a background of increasing privately-owned provision of services to the public and the continuing relevance of private law tort claims where compensation for mistreatment at the hands of the state is sought.
Review of Determinations of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the Privacy Commissioner
Die Verbandsklage im Naturschutzrecht
本书内容分为两部分, 第一部分聚焦于行政复议具有哪些功能, 什么因素决定特定国家特定时期的功能选择, 以及要将潜在的功能转变为现实的作用需要提供哪些制度支撑这三个问题 ...
This popular text provides a comprehensive guide to the remedies available to litigants in public law.
Medicare Reimbursement Controversies and Appeals
Why do most welfare applicants fail to challenge adverse decisions despite a continuing sense of need?. The book addresses this severely under-researched and under-theorised question.
Seit 1978 vertritt das Bundesverwaltungsgericht in ständiger Rechtsprechung die Auffassung, daß der vom Fehlen einer Schutzmaßnahme i.
This new edition has been significantly amended to take account of the following developments in law and practice, including: * Development of the Unified Tribunal system with transfers of judicial reviews * Regionalisation of ...
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: 行政上訴委員會條例 (第442章). Administrative Appeals Board Ordinance (Cap 442)