From an organisational point of view , the implementation of JI projects should , therefore , be separated from the existing aid organisations , so that the JI projects may achieve their own identity . If private companies are to ...
This work, commissioned by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, analyzes - in the light of the history of the 1992 Climate Change Convention and of precedents - the aims of the joint implementation ...
... Carbon Offset Verification Services Introduction . SGS Forestry , Oxford . Mott , R.N. ( 1993 ) Joint Implementation ... Terrestrial Biospheric Sinks in the Kyoto Protocol . Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and ...
4.3 Nordic energy and environmental initiatives in the region The Nordic countries are already heavily involved in strategies for more environmentally sound energy systems in the Baltic states and Russia .
These important features make this book an indispensable working tool for policy makers, negotiators, academics and all those actively involved and interested in climate change issues in both the developed and developing world.
... perspective central: they face the dilemma mentioned earlier to reconcile the positions and opinions of the various parties involved. Almost all participants agreed about the need of proper criteria, also during a pilot phase, and of ...
This book is about joint implementation.
Silverstein , M. , 1993 : The Environmental Economic Revolution : How Business will Thrive and the Earth Survive in Years to come . St. Martin's Press , New York . Socolow , R.C. , 1994 : Six Perspectives from Industrial Ecology .
... perspective , it would not be implemented without a GEF intervention . GEF criteria Type I are cost - effective interventions in which the economic rates of return to the country are good even if global concerns are ignored . If it is ...
An Economic Perspective on Climate Change Policies: Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the American Council for Capital Formation, Center...
... guidelines as they are currently structured are open to interpretation and subject to change. This could impact projects that have already proceeded quite far towards implementation, including obtaining an unofficial determination by an ...