Lifelong Learning in Finland: The Extent to which Vocational Education and Training Policy is Nurturing Lifelong Learning in Finland

Lifelong Learning in Finland: The Extent to which Vocational Education and Training Policy is Nurturing Lifelong Learning in Finland
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Kari Nyyssola, Kimmo Hämäläinen


The extent to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in Finland was examined. The analysis focused on the following issues: the political and structural framework of education in Finland; mechanisms supporting lifelong learning; and pedagogical solutions and learning environments facilitating lifelong learning. The following were among the major conclusions: (1) during the 1990s, lifelong learning became a central part of Finland's educational policy discourse; (2) commitment to implementing lifelong learning in Finland is strong; (3) lifelong learning has genuinely become an integral part of all levels of Finland's education system; (4) Finnish education planning has invested heavily in planning personal study plans; (5) strong decentralization has been a general trend since the 1990s; (6) in recent years, investments have also been made in developing cooperation between educational institutions; (7) access to lifelong learning and learning outcomes have been inferior in rural areas; and (8) the basis of lifelong learning in Finland is in line with the objectives set by the European Union. (Ten tables/figures are included. The following items are appended: a list of 15 pertinent legal provisions; a glossary of acronyms/abbreviations and terms; and the questionnaire and selected findings of a lifelong learning survey. The bibliography lists 42 references.) (MN).