... Working Group on Forages in Bulgaria (1995), a subgroup was formed to ... report defines historical duplicates (originated from the same original collected or ... Brassica Working Group, which acknowledged the cost-effectiveness of the ...
J. Allan Smith, Virgil M. Hays. Table 2. Yield and nutrient uptake by soft ... The fire treatments may have increased the availability of soil nutrients ( Vlamis and Gowans 1961 , Dunn et al . 1979 ) . These nutrients were then held in ...
Range Plant Communities and Range Health Assessment Guidelines for the Mixedgrass Natural Subregion of Alberta: Second Approximation
Agricultural systems that meet food and fiber requirements, meet economic goals and maintain agro-ecosystem resilience are valuable in marginally productive semi-arid and cold agroecosystems of the central High Plains of the USA.
Proceedings XIV International Grassland Congress : 584586 . Clark , H .; Alcock , M.B .; Harvey , A. 1987 : Tissue turnover , diet selection and animal production in three varieties of perennial ryegrass continuously stocked by sheep .
Range Plant Communities and Range Health Assessment Guidelines for the Northern Fescue Natural Subregion of Alberta: First Approximation
Des études faites à l'intérieur ont montré que le TCC permet une mesure précise de la quantité d'herbe ingérée par ... la fumure a été de 400 kg N / ha / an et les plantes ont été coupées tous les 90 jours pendant les saisons sèches et ...
Equine Laminitis: Managing Pasture to Reduce the Risk
The culmination of a lifetime's experience, this book is vital for owners of small acreages, home food producers, horse enthusiasts, and sustainable commercial farmers.
... Suelos y Fertilización de Cultivos , Sociedad Colombiana de la Ciencia del Suelo , 18-22 November 1986 , Medellín , Colombia . Salinas , J. G. 1986. Fertilización para la producción de semilla de pastos tropicales . CIAT . 52 p ...
A must-read for anyone interested in sustainable, bio-correct agriculture, this information-packed volume is a comprehensive look at an essential family of plants.