Country and research reports on sweet potato; CIP research and transfer program; Present status and future prospects of sweet potatoes in Bangladesh; Sweet potato production and research in china; Sweet potato production, utilization and constrains in India; Sweet potato production, utilization, and research in Indonesia; Country report of LAO P.D.R. participants; Sweet potato cultivation in Malaysia: a country report; Country paper - papua New Guinea; Sweet potato research and development in the Philippines; The outline for sweet potato in Korea; Sweet potato in Thailand; The Sweet potato in Vietnam; Development and testing of an integrated pest management technique to control sweet potato weevil; Digestibility of sweet potato starch; Sweet potato breeding in Japan: its past, present and future; Recent studies on dry matter production physiology; Sweet potato adaptation studies at North Carolina State University; Nutritional aspects of sweet potato roots and leaves; Sweet potato research at the International Potato Center; Research activities in CIP on sweet potato virus diseases; In vitro sweet potato germplasm management; Strategies to develop sweet potatoes with weevil resistance in developing countries; Important nematode parasites of sweet potatoes and their management; Constraints to sweet potato production and use; Sweet potato production and consumption surveys: variability and varieties; CIP's program for human resources development through training; Workshop on sweet potato improvement in Asia: highlights of session presenting CIP sweet potato research programme.
The insect section is completely new.
Intervention and non - intervention groups in Ndhiwa area ( group name ; mean HKI score for members ; distance to market in kilometers ) . Mean group HKI score > 5.2 Mean group HKI score > 5.2 Intervene Not intervene Intervene Not ...
Guide to Sweet Potato Production in South Africa
Major Pests, Diseases, and Nutritional Disorders. Literature Consulted Allard , G.B. 1993. Integrated control of ... Compendium of sweetpotato diseases . The American Phytopatho- logical Society , St. Paul , MN , USA . 74 p . Clark , C.A. ...