In-depth and multifaceted, The Future of Extended Deterrence is an essential resource for policy practitioners and scholars of nuclear deterrence, arms control, missile defense, and the NATO alliance.
Instead of dwelling on the political difficulties in Franco-German relations that could arise from France's embracing of neutron weapons, Giraud has asserted that consideration of the conditions for neutron use as well as the definition ...
In-depth and multifaceted, The Future of Extended Deterrence is an essential resource for policy practitioners and scholars of nuclear deterrence, arms control, missile defense, and the NATO alliance.
... which can be minimised through governance structures that facilitate the transfer of information, help formulate agreements, and enforce compliance.25 Richard Higgott points out that 'the power to mold understandings ...
This volume examines Russia's evolving framework for nuclear deterrence and its implications for U.S. military operations in Europe.
The Future of Nuclear Deterrence
Future of Strategic Deterrence
To prevent deliberate war, we seek a posture that maximizes deterrence. To avoid inadvertent war, we seek to minimize the risk of miscommunication, miscalculation, accidents, or a breakdown in the political or physical control over ...
This book should be read by anyone interested in the preventing the use of nuclear weapons and understanding complexities of alliances in an increasingly dangerous world.’ — Madelyn Creedon, former Principal Deputy Administrator of the ...
The first part of the book, U.S. nuclear policy, considers the benefits and risks of further nuclear arms control, proposing specific recommendations for force structure, targeting, and strategic defence to enhance regional deterrence.