The concept of a river basin as a management or planning unit has gone through several stages and is in a state of flux.
WR 2005
Water Resources of South Africa, 2005 Study (WR 2005).: Executive summary
Water Resources of South Africa, 2005 Study (WR 2005): Report to the Water Research Commission
Water Resources of South Africa, 2005 Study (WR 2005).: User's guide (in CD-ROM format)
World of Water
Now, in this provocative book, author David Carle contends that it may be time to stop drowning the California dream of the good life with imported water.
Development of Citizen Science Water Resource Monitoring Tools and Communities of Practice for South Africa, Africa and the World
Water is as vital as air but it can no longer be taken for granted.
Indispensable et précieuse pour tous, l'eau est une ressource fort mal répartie. Aucune commune mesure entre les 59 M3 annuels à la disposition d'un habitant de Gaza et les 630...
"In Liquid Assets, author Diane Galusha traces for the first time between the covers of a single volume the development of the amazing water system that altered landscapes, transformed lives, and made possible New York's preeminence among ...