... Crop - animal interaction . Discussion Paper Series 6. IRRI ( International Rice Research Institute ) , Manila , The Philippines . pp . 43–63 . Devendra C. 1997. Crop residues for feeding animals in Asia : Technology development and ...
Diversité de la traction animale en Afrique subsaharienne L'essor de la culture attelée est certainement la réussite la plus notable des politiques de mécanisation africaines depuis une cinquantaine d'années ...
... livestock management for improving productivity under rainfed farming situations. In K.H.Vedini (eds). Management issues in rainfed Agriculture in India., MANAGE, Hyderabad. Pp.56-68. Misra, A.K. 2006. Integration of livestock in land ...
Proceedings of a Conference on Development of Livestock Research Priorities in Asia, 13-15 May 1997, National ... Improvement of Livestock Production in Crop–Animal Systems in Rainfed Agro-ecological Zones of South-East Asia Both studies ...
... Improvement of livestock production in crop- animal systems in the rainfed agro - ecological zones of South East Asia . ILRI ( International Livestock Research Institute ) , Nairobi , Kenya , p . 107 . Devendra , C. ( 2000 ) . Animal ...
... animal and feed industries . Proceedings of the 17th MSAP Annual Conference . Penang , Malaysia , 28-30 May 1995 ... systems . pp . 265-280 , in : Working papers of expert consultation on dairy cattle breeding in the humid tropics ...
... Rainfed agriculture in Asia and the Pacific . ADB ( Asian Development Bank ) , Manila , The Philippines . 644 pp . Aggarwal P.K. 1993. Agro - ecological zoning using crop ... Systems approaches for agricultural development . Kluwer Academic ...
Journal of Range Management 28 : 61-64 . Shelton H.M. and Humphreys L.R. ... the XIV International Grassland Congress . pp . 393-395 . ... XVII International Grassland Congress , Poster Paper , Closing Congress 19-21 February 1993 .
To counter this a new concept of farming is evolving, which has been termed «conservation agriculture>. Conservation agriculture maintains a permanent or semi-permanent organic soil cover. This can be a growing crop or a dead mulch.
... Improvement of livestock production in crop - animal systems in rainfed agro - ecological zones of South - East Asia . ILRI , Nairobi . 116 pp . Devendra C. , Thomas D. , Jabbar M.A. and Zebini E. In press . Improvement of livestock ...