Running title: Gold and greenbacks. Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-67) and index.
La Banque de France
... A Hill Company HET Corporation Historica Foundation Hollinger Inc. Honeywell Canada HSBC Bank Canada HSD Partners Inc. Hydro - Québec Production IBM Canada Ltd. Imperial Oil Limited Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited Inco Limited ...
Serviço de Biblioteca e Documentação da Faculdade de Filosofia , Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo N938 Novelli , José Marcos Nayme Instituições , política e idéias econômicas : o caso do Banco Central do Brasil ...
中央银行是一个强大却被人知之甚少的组织.1900年, 日本银行是欧洲以外存在的唯一央行, 但在过去的一个世纪, 中央银行的数量激增 ...
Jevons, W. Stanley (1911). ... In the words of its political architects, US Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and UK Chancellor of the Exchequeur Gordon Brown, “we must do limit swings of booms and bust that destroy hope and ...
Is the Reserve Bank of Australia a Discretionary Profit-seeker?
This book brings together twenty-one of his previously published articles dealing with the changing functions of central banks over time, recent efforts to maintain price stability, and debates over specific financial regulation proposals ...
"This book is designed to provide the reader with an insight into the main concepts involved in the handling of payments, securities and derivatives and the organisation and functioning of the market infrastructure concerned.