Climate-ADAPT: How Europe is Adapting to Climate Change : 10 Case Studies



This unique collection of 10 European case studies showcases measures that are already being carried out in Europe to increase resilience to extreme weather and slow-onset events, as well as improve adaptation to climate change. Sharing these ideas will raise awareness of what is possible and inspire the creation of new activities to deal with observed and expected climate change impacts. The brochure also aims to stimulate stakeholders to share information about their own experiences by contacting [email protected]. Climate change adaptation policies and actions are increasingly being developed and implemented at EU, transnational, national and urban level. Case studies play an important role in supporting local and regional decision-makers in their efforts to cope with the effects of climate change by demonstrating the implementation of real adaptation measures. These measures are often initiated to meet a range of policy objectives and bring co-benefits, such as habitat restoration, preserving biodiversity, urban redevelopment, improved health and well-being in cities, and disaster risk reduction, as well as climate change adaptation and resilience. More details of these and other case studies can be found on the Climate-ADAPT website (http:// They cover a range of sectors including agriculture, biodiversity, buildings, coastal areas, disaster risk reduction, energy, financial, forestry, health, transport, urban and water management. They also cover many different impacts (drought, extreme temperatures, flooding, sea level rise, storms, water scarcity), various European transnational regions and a wide number of countries.