Pearson's best selling title on software engineering has be thoroughly revised to highlight various technological updates of recent years, providing students with highly relevant and current information. Somerville's experience in system dependability and systems engineering guides the text through a traditional plan-based approach that incorporates some novel agile methods. The text strives to teach the innovators of tomorrow how to create software that will make our world a better, safer, and more advanced place to live.
The objectives of this seventh edition are to include new material on iterative software development, component-based software engineering and system architectures, to emphasize that system dependability is not an add-on but should be ...
This custom edition is published for the University of Southern Queensland.
本书从测试自动化工具QTP应用,开源测试自动化工具实践,测试自动化框架设计与实现几个方面来讲解测试自动化的实战知识.内容包括:在实践中熟悉自动化测试过程,QTP功能详解 ...
Hypotheses are introduced by Brooks ( 1983 ) in a paper which suggests how programmers use an iterative , hierarchical method of ... Beacons are used in gaining 90 Application Software Reengineering Assimilation and Knowledge Acquisition.
Digest of Papers
The book will be organized in five (5) parts - Process, Modeling, Quality Management, Project Management, and Advanced Topics. The chapter count will remain at 32, unchanged from the sixth edition.