Fundamentals Of Digital Marketing, 2e

Fundamentals Of Digital Marketing, 2e
Pearson Education India


Staying true to its former, Fundamentals of Digital Marketing, second edition, is an honest attempt to capture and showcase the evolving Indian landscape of digital marketing to an audience that had for long viewed this academic field from an external (non-Indian) lens or through the eyes of online training modules without delving into the building blocks that constitute this multi-disciplinary area of study. This text will be of great interest to students, professors, readers, and entrepreneurs as it brings forth a pedagogical, framework-driven approach mostly lacking across academic and corporate circuits. Features: • Inclusion of Practical Exercises across digital marketing assessment and strategy phases including consumer analysis, market trend assessment, and competitive research • Implementation exercises on developing owned media and earned presence along with executing paid promotions • Project brief towards understanding and implementing multiple marketing analytics techniques deployed across the digital marketing landscape • Introduction of a new section on Google Analytics (GA) to help upcoming marketers gain a view of why GA is one of the most preferred analytics tools for marketers to understand website actions, engage better with visitors and analyze campaign data • Inclusion of digital marketing trends (that gained prominence in 2018) including voice marketing, micro-influencers, GDPR, growth hacking and conversion rate optimization Table of Contents: UNIT I: BASICS OF DIGITAL MARKETING Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing Chapter 2: Digital Marketing Models Creation Chapter 3: The Consumer for Digital Marketing UNIT II: DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Chapter 4: Digital Marketing Assessment Phase Chapter 5: Digital Marketing Strategy Definition UNIT III: DIGITAL MARKETING PLANNING AND SETUP Chapter 6: Digital Marketing Communications and Channel Mix Chapter 7: Digital Marketing Operations Set-up UNIT IV: DIGITAL MARKETING EXECUTION Chapter 8: Digital Marketing Campaign Management Chapter 9: Digital Marketing Execution Elements UNIT V: DIGITAL BUSINESS - PRESENT AND FUTURE Chapter 10: Digital Marketing-Landscape and Emerging Areas Chapter 11: A Career in Digital Marketing