In July 1971, US National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, made a secret visit to China to meet top Chinese leaders. This inaugurated a new phase not just in US-China relations but in contemporary history. That visit and the subsequent US-China relationship, including the US decision to invest in China's economic rise and admit it into the WTO, combined to firm up the foundations of China's rise as a world power. For more than four decades, the leadership of the two countries had a secretive pact, which worked well to each other's benefit. The US helped power China's economic growth in the hope that Beijing would turn a new political leaf and adopt Western practices (e.g. democracy). China grew economically and militarily, used its financial prowess to spread its influence across continents, as four generations of Chinese leaders built their nation at the expense of the US. Half a century after Kissinger's historic visit, the US and China are today engaged in a trade war bordering on a new Cold War. Washington is not openly talking about 'de-coupling' from China, which has begun to challenge its global dominance, but it might very well be. China has already established itself as a dominant power across Eurasia. More worryingly, China is militarily and economically threatening its neighbours, including Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, Philippines, Indonesia and India. This collection of critical essays examines the impact, consequences and legacy of Kissinger's first, door-opening visit to China and how it has shaped world order.
The first edition of The New Cold War was published to great critical acclaim. Edward Lucas has established himself as a top expert in the field, appearing on numerous programs, including Lou Dobbs, MSNBC, NBC Nightly News, CNN, and NPR.
Quoted in Reuben F. Johnson, “President Putin's Third Term,” The Weekly Standard, August 14, 2007, available at Front Page Magazine,–0918–4A94–947FE1E6D2E1E5D4. 58.
What comes after Ukraine, and what might the contours of a more peaceful world look like? These questions and many others are addressed in this essential book by one of the most seasoned analysts of international relations.
... Cold War Statesmen Confront the Bomb: Nuclear Diplomacy Since 1945. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Galeotti, M. (2016). Hybrid, Ambiguous, and Non-linear? How New is Russia's “New Way of War”? Small Wars & Insurgencies, 27(2), 282–301 ...
In Return to Winter, Douglas E. Schoen and Melik Kaylan systematically chronicle the growing threat from the Russian-Chinese Axis, and they argue that only a rebirth of American global leadership can counter the corrosive impact of this ...
When Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000, George Bush said he was a man he could trust. Since then, relations between Russia and the West have gone from bad...
Mackinder, Halford J. “The Geographical Pivot of History. ... Matlock, John J. “NATO Expansion: Was There a Promise? ... Huffington Post, 5 January 2015, www.
The old Cold War was the name given to the highly tense and antagonistic relationship between America and the Soviet Union. It was a cold war precisely because it did...
The first book to explain how the Kremlin's increasingly authoritarian and aggressive stance threatens Europe, America and the world.
Are we witnessing the dawn of a new cold war?.