This book has been prepared keeping in view the abstractness of this science Process control and for better understanding of this subject for practising engineers, teachers and students of Instrumentation, Electrical and Electronics disciplines. The major topics of process control have been explained with greater lucidity by taking appropriate illustrative examples and more number of solved problems wherever required, for easier comprehension and quick assimilation of the subject. Also the subject matter has been carefully prepared to cater to the needs of multi-disciplined engineering students where process control systems, are an integral part of their curriculum. It explains the concepts of process control instrumentation with a touch of practicality supported by related mathematical background to make the reading journey interestingly instructive.
Notes on Diagnostic Strategies in Process Plant Environment
This Edition continues to explore the modern practice of statistical quality control, providing comprehensive coverage of the subject from basic principles to state-of-the-art concepts and applications.
M. Meyyappan, Demetre John Economou. simulation , with four identical feature clusters . The gradients in concentration ... P. D. Neufeld , A. R. Janzen , and R. A. Aziz . J. Chem . Phys . 57 ( 3 ) : 1100-1102 , 1972 . 7. C. R. Wilke .
Statitical Process Control, 6E
A process flows approach to operations is used to show students how managers can design and control businesses to achieve desired results.
Extensive knowledge. of statistics is not a prerequisite for using this book. Readers whose background includes a basic course in statistical methods will find much of the material in this book easily accessible"--
Understanding Statistical Process Control
Statistics of Quality Control: Sampling Inspection and Reliability