The book has primarily been aimed at to adequately introduce the basic concepts in soil microbiology and soil biochemistry with thrust on understanding the various microbial processes occurring in soil. The book is expected to be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers and researchers dealing with agriculture, horticulture and forestry in general and agricultural microbiology, soil science and environmental sciences in particular.
294. K. Wallenfels and O. P. Malhotra in The Enzymes ( P. D. Boyer , H. Lardy and K. Myrbäck , eds . ) , 2nd ed . , Vol . 4 , Academic Press , New York , 1960 , p . 417 ; M. L. Zarnitz , Ph.D. Dissertation , Frieburg , 1958 . 295.
This publication has been written primarily to meet the requirements of the practical component of the course 'Soil Biology & Biochemistry' prescribed by the Education Division of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research as compulsory ...
Part 1 : Physical and mineralogical methods Part 2 : Microbiological and biochemical properties.