This book is an honest attempt to capture the entire spectrum of M&A activity and share the contours of the implementation process. From valuation to integration, the book is sure to help managers think through what such a strategic move would mean to the organisation. The book attempts to provide working knowledge and skill of underlying concepts, contractual obligations, tax impact and legal background of M&A. Precisely, the book is written to show business managers and financial executives which kind of corporate restructuring can be worked out in the organisation and how best to analyse, design and implement M&A deals. The book can be classified into four basic frameworks. The first three chapters may be clubbed into the conceptual framework, where conceptual issues and economic consequences of M&A are discussed in detail. Critical issues like valuation and due diligence, which forms an integral part of any M&A, are examined with great care to emphasise the framework for pre-merger issues. The legal framework borders on areas like regulatory issues, tax impact, cross-border legal complications, transfer pricing and deal structuring. It is worth mentioning that the structuring of the deals has changed a lot in the recent years under the weight of hundreds of legal precedents, accounting rules and regulatory impositions. The last framework encompasses strategic issues of merger management leading to creation of value to the organisation. Attempt has also been made to find out why mergers fail and how to make them successful. To have a logical conclusion, towards the end, great corporate cases have been presented with high level of clarity and openness to reinforce the learning in earlier chapters. In fact, the cases are the USP of the book.
Warren Buffett has taken financial intelligence to a whole new level, and his networth reflects it. How interesting that, to him, cash is king.
By tracking both annual cost reductions and cumulative savings from prior years , Johnson & Johnson has built a strong business case for its environmental goals and programs . 0.4 4.6 Labor Wastewater Management Hazardous NPO Management ...
美国博朗工商管理经典教材 2
Virginia Beach VA 23462 757-499-7900 499-9977 175 Web : Willoughby Hills 27557 Chardon Rd Willoughby Hills OH 44092 440-944-6800 944-9260 175 Bryant College 1150 Douglas Pike . Smithfield RI 02917 401-232-6000 ...
... Qd R 576: 49 Bacchus Marsh Concentrated Milk Company Ltd (in liq) v Joseph Nathan & Co Ltd (1919) 26 CLR 410: 224, ... 285 Barber v Keech (1987) 64 LGRA 116: 170 Barclay v Messenger (1874) 43 LJ Ch 449: 307 Barina Properties Pty Ltd ...
Introduction to Canadian Business, Frederick A. Starke ... [et Al.], Fourth Edition. Instructor's Manual
Written by authors with an extensive track record in teaching business, the Europe, Middle East and Africa Edition of this bestselling volume features an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of the functional areas of business, including ...
Introduction to Business
Instructor's Manual for Business, a Practical Approach
The sale of the carcass to a wholesaler, and the subsequent sale to a butcher, is therefore GST-free. If the butcher sells the meat to a customer it will also be GST-free. If the butcher sells it to a restaurant, that sale will be ...