Part of everyday life, yet rich in symbolic meaning, renderings of the sun and the moon are present in all folk and tribal art traditions of India. They are always in relationship with each other. Agrarian societies keep track of time by referring to markers in the seasonal variations of the sun, moon, and the planets. Over the course of time, they have also woven wonderful stories and myths around them. Here, for the first time, is a collection of unusual stories and exquisite art from some of the finest living artists, on this most universal of themes.
Folk Literature Series: A Folklore
Folk Legend and Personal Experience Narrative
Folk Literature Series: A Folklore
1973 : P. Richard , F. Lévy , and M. de Virville , Essai de description des contes merveilleux . Ethnologie française 1 : 95–120 . ... K. Guth ( ed . ) , Lebendige Volkskultur . Festschrift E. Roth , 129–143 . Bamberg . Riftin et al .
Folk Literature Series: A Folklore
Folk Literature Series: A Folklore
Folk Literature Series: A Folklore
Roedd Twm Sion Cati yn hoff o dynnu coes. Cafodd ei hun mewn trwbl yn aml, ac aeth y chwarae triciau yn fwy ac yn fwy peryglus. Mae'r hanes yn gyffrous, yn llawn anturiaethau dewr. Ond dyw Twm ddim yn ddrwg i gyd...
y dos fenómenos pertenecientes a la esfera propia del hombre salvaje : la licantropía y la antropofagia . Cuenta Platón en La república55 la costumbre antigua de un pueblo rudo que en las montañas de Arcadia aún ofrecía sacrificios ...