Trusted by nursing fraternity for more than 50 years, Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing layers essential patient care information, engaging critical thinking exercises and diverse features to help students learn critical content. The South Asian edition is comprehensively updated to customize and keep pace with South Asia's health care environment by including Indian/Asian epidemiologic data of common diseases and disorders, flowcharts of pathophysiologic processes of various diseases and disorders and psychosocial concepts, which is contemporary to South Asian scenario. Furthermore, essential medical-surgical nursing content and diseases/disorders, which are specific to South Asia, are added to make this textbook most suitable to South Asian learners.
Research indicates that people seeking assistance from professionals or self-help groups progress through these stages of change (Hoke & Timmerman, 2011; Sealy & Farmer, 2011). Any of the models can serve as an organizing framework for ...
Brunner is known for its strong Nursing Process focus and its readability. This edition retains these strengths and incorporates enhanced visual appeal and better portability for students.
"Assess your understanding, apply what you've learned, and practice for success.
The content is completely cross-referenced to the main text. Pages are tabbed alphabetically for speedy reference.
The South Asian Edition is comprehensively updated to customize and keep pace with South Asia's health care environment by including Indian/Asian epidemiologic data of common diseases and disorders, flowcharts of Pathophysiologic processes ...
Gregory, M., & Galloway, T. (2017). Stroke survivors: The long road to recovery. Practice Nurse, 47(7), 29–32. **Katz, S., Downs, T. D., Cash, H. R., et al. (1970). Progress in the development of the index of ADL.
Focusing on health promotion, this book provides coverage of patients with chronic illness and disabilities.
A free CD-ROM in the text includes over 3,500 general student-study questions, 500 unit review questions, 3-dimensional animations that illustrate disease processes, and interactive clinical simulations covering asthma and congestive heart ...
Developed to complement the Tenth Edition of Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, this study guide provides numerous learning opportunities to reinforce content and promote its application in the clinical setting.
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