A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting provides the students with thorough grounding in cost concepts, cost behaviour and methods, and techniques of cost and management accounting with an understanding of the uses and limitations of cost and financial data for managerial operations. The text of the subject matter has been presented in a student-friendly, simple and intelligible manner. Every discussion involving conceptual complexity is immediately illustrated by a numerical example. In addition, the book contains a liberal sprinkling of charts and diagrams so as to make the subject easily understandable and highlight its finer points. The subject matter has been organized on 'first things first' basis for its logical presentation that sustains interest. The approach of the book is examination oriented. Thus, a good number of problems and solutions have been included in its chapters. Theoretical and numerical questions have been mostly selected from various examinations. Objective type questions have been given to serve as self-test by students. This is an ideal book for self-study. An all-inclusive, ideal book for self-study, both for the students of Cost and Management Accounting as well as working professionals.
New to this edition • All chapters thoroughly revised • Latest information on Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) issued by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) • Chapter on ‘Miscellaneous Topics’ made more contemporary ...
Management and Cost Accounting 11e
The aim of the new edition is to explain the principles involved in the design and evaluation of management and cost accounting information systems.
In this edition, the authors creates unique content that is focused on unique student and instructor needs before and after lecture - and the type of activities best-suited to each point in learning.
The eBooks is authored by proficient Teachers and Professors. The Text of the eBooks is simple and lucid. The contents of the book have been organised carefully and to the point.
The Third edition is the updated version of the book as per the latest CBCS syllabus.
The eleventh edition expands on the proven success of the significant revision to the Horngren franchise and uses what the authors have learned from focus groups, market feedback, and colleagues to create livelier classrooms, provide ...
A benchmark Financial Accounting text over the past 30 years, Hoggett's Financial Accounting has been refreshed in this eleventh edition.
It blends theory and practice in language that is clear and easy to understand and provides students with a thorough introduction to cost and management accounting whether they are studying an accountancy or business undergraduate course, ...
This book has been written specifically for the students of BCom (Hons) of the University of Delhi in accordance with its prescribed syllabus and that of School of Open Learning.