Mastering Behavior-Driven Development Using Cucumber: Practice and Implement Page Object Design Pattern, Test Suites in Cucumber, POM TestNG Integration, Cucumber...

Mastering Behavior-Driven Development Using Cucumber: Practice and Implement Page Object Design Pattern, Test Suites in Cucumber, POM TestNG Integration, Cucumber...
BPB Publications
Pinakin A Chaubal


Master the skills required to effectively use Cucumber BDD which simplifies Agile development and fast-paced time-to-market KEY FEATURES ● A step-by-step explanation of each component of the Cucumber framework. ● Expert coverage on speeding up the implementation of the Cucumber framework. ● Includes Parallel Execution, Cloud Testing, Explore Gherkin, and many more. DESCRIPTION In this book, readers will learn everything they need to know about Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and a framework used for automation testing for BDD. The book is divided into three sections. The first section covers the building blocks of Cucumber such as Feature files, Step Definition classes, and Runner classes, among other things. These will serve as the building blocks for becoming more familiar with Cucumber. The second section covers the Page Object design pattern and Page Factories, both of which are useful in developing robust frameworks. The final section demonstrates Cucumber's integration with TestNG and Maven. We will be putting each Maven build in Jenkins and configuring Jenkins to trigger automatically when a development build is completed. After reading this book, the test engineer will understand the concept of incorporating Cucumber as a BDD framework into his testing. As a result, he will be able to streamline the testing and bug detection processes. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN ● Understand the fundamentals of Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development. ● Investigate Cucumber's building blocks such as Feature Files and Step Definition Files. ● Learn the Base Class and inheritance concept within the Page Object Model Framework. ● Create a TestNG XML that calls the test runner class. ● Practice triggering POM xml testing. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is aimed at individuals who have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of Java and are interested in improving their knowledge of the BDD framework. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Understanding the Cucumber framework Chapter 1: Introduction to Behavior-Driven Development Chapter 2: Understanding Feature Files Chapter 3: Understanding Step Definition files Chapter 4: Learning about the TestRunner Section 2: Learning the Page Object Design Pattern Chapter 5: Understanding the Page Object Model and Creating Page Objects Chapter 6: Understanding Page Factories and Creating Page Factories Section 3: Integration with TestNG, Maven, and Jenkins Chapter 7: Configuring the TestNG Framework Chapter 8: Configuring Maven and Learning about POM.xml Chapter 9: POM.xml Execution from Eclipse and Command Line Chapter 10: Configuring POM.xml to Trigger TestNG xml Chapter 11: Configuring the Runner Class for Cucumber Reporter Plugin Chapter 12: Reporting Using Extent Reports Chapter 13: Parallel Execution Using Selenium Grid Chapter 14: Integration with Jenkins

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