The need for more stringent regulation of multinational corporations (MNCs) is discernible in the adverse human rights impact of business activities in conflict-prone regions of the world. Domestic jurisdictions appear reluctant to vigorously pursue mandatory enforcement of human rights standards vis-a-vis the private sector for violations committed abroad. The international system, in turn, has not yet put in place any effective compliance mechanism beyond regulatory supervision. The difficulties of prosecution by home and host states, and the propensity of MNCs to exploit the principles of separate legal personality and limited liability, pose certain challenges. Seeking to address the problem of corporate involvement in grave human rights abuse (i.e. genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes), this study explores the desirability and feasibility of subjecting business enterprises to regulation through international criminal law. It draws upon holistic methods for uncovering organizational fault, suggesting the necessity to align the culpability of legal persons with the peculiarities of institutional form and dynamics. The book discusses the instrumentality of existing Rome Statute provisions with regard to both corporations and corporate agents, and puts forward a sui generis model for constructing the criminal liability of MNCs.Ã?Â?
Criminology / Delinquency BECOME GIRLS DELINQUENCY AND JUVENILE JUSTICE MEDA CHESNEY - LIND AND RANDALL G. SHELDEN GIRLS , DELINQUENCY , AND JUVENILE JUSTICE a Third Edition Internet for research through searches and activities .
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law
... the statutory asylum provisions to disapprove of some Ninth Circuit precedents.25 REFERENCES For additional reading, see: Jessica B. Cooper, Environmental Refugees: Meeting the Requirements of the Refugee Definition, 6 N.Y.U. ENV.
J. Bollinger S.A. and Champagne Lanson père et fils Subject : Use of the word “ Champagne ” as part of the terms “ Champagne Cider ” and “ Champagne Perry ” Report : ( 1975 ) 2 CMLR 479 EEC Treaty : Article 177 ( 1083 ) UK .
The Life and Legal Writings of Hugo Grotius . Norman , Oklahoma : University of Oklahoma Press , 1969 . Evririades , Euripides . " The Third World's Approach to the Deep Seabed . " Ocean Development and International Law 11 ( 1982 ) ...
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The History and Future of the World Trade Organization is a comprehensive account of the economic, political and legal issues surrounding the creation of the WTO and its evolution. Fully...