This book continues as volume 4 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. It covers edible fruits/seeds used fresh or processed, as vegetables, spices, stimulants, edible oils and beverages. It encompasses selected species from the following families: Fagaceae, Grossulariaceae, Hypoxidaxeae, Myrsinaceae Olacaceae, Oleaceae, Orchidaceae, Oxalidaceae, Pandanaceae, Passifloraceae, Pedaliaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Pinaceae, Piperaceae, Rosaceae and Rutaceae . This work will be of significant interest to scientists, researchers, medical practitioners, pharmacologists, ethnobotanists, horticulturists, food nutritionists, agriculturists, botanists, conservationists, lecturers, students and the general public. Topics covered include: taxonomy; common/English and vernacular names; origin and distribution; agroecology; edible plant parts and uses; botany; nutritive and pharmacological properties, medicinal uses and research findings; nonedible uses; and selected references.
This work will be of significant interest to scientists, researchers, medical practitioners, pharmacologists, ethnobotanists, horticulturists, food nutritionists, agriculturists, botanists, herbalogists, conservationists, teachers, ...
This book continues as volume 3 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants.
This book continues as volume 10 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants.
This volume has separate indices for scientific and common names; and separate scientific and medical glossaries. This book continues as volume 11 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants.
Waratahs are particularly popular in New South Wales, where it is the state floral emblem. ... NSW Department of Primary Industries (then NSW Agriculture) Sydney, Australia Wrigley J, Fagg M (1991) Banksias, Waratahs and Grevilleas.
HortSci 40:1675–1678 Kays SJ, Nottingham S (2007) Biology and chemistry of Jerusalem artichoke: Helianthus tuberosus L. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 496 pp Keller F, Frehner M, Wiemken A (1988) Sucrose synthase, a cytosolic enzyme in ...
This book covers such plants with edible modified storage subterranean stems (corms, rhizomes, stem tubers) and unmodified subterranean stem stolons, above ground swollen stems and hypocotyls, storage roots (tap root, lateral roots, root ...
This book continues as volume 7 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants.
"Collected here are insightful tips and detailed descriptions relating to the edibility and healing potential of 100 wild plants of the upper Midwest.
... Phoenix , AZ Dr. Peter A. Dykeman Dr. Thomas S. Elias Osbra L. Eye Dr. Albert Feldman Dr. George W. Folkerts Dr. James Hardin ... Davis U.S. Dept. of Agriculture ( USDA ) C. S. Webber Dr. William A. Weber Kay Young T.S.E. and P.A.D. ...