Physics and Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductors, II represents the results of a fruitful dialogue between physicists and materials scientists which took place under the auspices of a NATO Advanced Study Institute in Porto Carras, Greece, between 18 and 31 August, 1991. It builds on and carries forward the success of NATO ASI 181 published in 1990. The theoretical side of the discussions reveal the basic premise of the phenomenological and Ginzburg-Landau theories of superconductivity, the implications of short coherence length, long penetration depth, the melting of flux lattices, and other matters, while the materials science includes discussions of microstructures, local inhomogeneities, deviations from ideal chemistry, the effects of systematic errors in materials preparation, the definition of imperfections, and the utilization of common materials analysis techniques. The reader will be made aware of the potential significance of Angstrom scale structural and chemical details, and the need to consider basic theoretical concepts when designing procedures to process viable, solid conductors, specifically the effects of oxygen stoichiometry and deviations from it, as well as the microstructural demands on pinning in the light of very short coherence lengths.
Since the discovery of high temperature superconductivity, a tidal wave of res earch into the newly found phenomena took off in several directions. The theor ists began to examine BSC and its implications.
This book explores the fascinating field of high-temperature superconductivity. Basic concepts–including experimental techniques and theoretical issues–are discussed in a clear, systematic manner.
Five questions dominated the ARW on Physics and Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductors, of which this book forms the permanent record. Briefly, these are: (i) How close are we to a unified theory?
This volume presents each of those disciplines at an introductory level, such that readers will ultimately be able to read the literature in the field.
432 Physical Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors 24 MgB2 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 –2 20 16 B ir r p u r e M g B 2 [3 9 ] B ir r S iC d o p e d b u l k [ 4 2 ] B ir r 1 0 % S i C [ 4 0 ] B c 2 1 0 % S i C [ 4 0 ] B c 2 M W C N [ 4 1 ] ...
This book presents the current knowledge about superconductivity in high Tc cuprate superconductors.
This book should be useful to all students, scientists, and engineers who desire to know more about high temperature superconductivity.
This book summarises the materials science and physics of all the most important high temperature superconductors as well as discussing material growth, properties and applications.
F. Holtzberg, D.L. Kaiser, B.A. Scott, T.R. McGuire, T.N. Jackson, A. Kleinsasser, and S. Tozer, in Chemistry of High-Temperature Superconductors, edited by D.L. Nelson, M.S. Whittingham, and T.F. George (American Chemical Society ...
The two volumes of High Temperature Superconductivity provide a survey of the state of the technology and engineering applications of these materials.