Life has shaped the Earth, and the Earth has moulded the history of life. That history, the co-evolution of our ancestors and their horne, has much to teach us about our place on the planet today. We are part of the fabric of the biosphere. As we change that fabric we would be wise to understand how our horne was built. Our planet is neither a hotel nor a colony. It is not a place which life briefly inhabits during a transient occupation. Instead, it is our horne, designed by the deeds of our ancestors and suited to our own needs. The history of life on Earth is held in the geological record, which is composed of the rocks, water and air that are available for study on the planet's surface. These rocks, the oceans and the atmosphere are not simply stores of information for the excitement of fossil hunters and geochemists, or resources to exploit without thought. Their cre ation and continued existence form an integral part of the development and management of the Earth as the horne of life.
This book hit the homesteading, back-to-earth crowd like a whirlwind in the 1970s and its elemental wisdom and advice hasn't diminished over the decades since.
Living Earth Community: Multiple Ways of Being and Knowing is a celebration of the diversity of ways in which humans can relate to the world around them, and an invitation to its readers to partake in planetary coexistence.
In his first book, Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, Jim Lovelock proposed a startling new theory of life: the Earth, its rocks, oceans, atmosphere and all living things, are part of one great organism, evolving over the vast span of ...
Photographs of extraordinary plants, fascinating birds, and amazing mammals that make up life on earth.
Bassic introduction to earth science and ecology that encourages an appreciation of the environment.
About the Gaia Girls Series: What would you do if you could hear the Earth asking for help? In the Gaia Girls book series, that is what happens to four girls, each from a different region of the world.
In Mystery Teachings from the Living Earth, ecologist and Druid initiate John Michael Greer offers an introduction to the core teachings of the mysteries through the mirror of the natural world.
... Fiction: A Thematic Survey (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2006). Also see Ulrich Merkl's ... 194, and A. Debus's Prehistoric Monsters: The Real and Imagined Creatures of the Past That We Love to Fear (Jefferson ...
The essays are organized around two key figures that also serve as the publication’s two openings: Ghosts, or landscapes haunted by the violences of modernity; and Monsters, or interspecies and intraspecies sociality.
The Living Earth Book of Deserts