This is the first book to examine comprehensively the chlorine industry and its effects on the environment. It covers not only the history of chlorine production, but also looks at its products, their effects on the global environment, and the international legislation which controls their use, release, and disposal. Individual chapters are dedicated to subjects such as releases of organochlorines into the environment, and the environmental impact of ozone depletion, providing simple explanations of these complex issues. These are backed up with case studies of landmark events in the history of the chlorine industry - for example the Seveso explosion or the Yusho and Yu-Cheng mass poisonings. With a clear, concise text and numerous compilations of critical data, this book will prove an invaluable source reference for environmental scientists, students, and policy makers with an interest in this subject.
Vols. 1-2 consist of the proceedings of the 1st-2d Conference on the Environmental Impact of Water Chlorination, 1975-77; v. 3- consist mostly of papers presented at the 3d- Conference on...
Dewailly E , Brueneau S , Laliberte C , Belles - Iles M , Weber JP , Ayotte P , Roy R. Breast milk contamination by PCBs and PCDDs / PCDFs in arctic Quebec : Preliminary results on the immune status of Inuit infants .
Water Chlorination: Environment, health, and risk
This is a comprehensive examination of the chemistry, environmental impact, and health effects of water chlorination as practiced in the areas of water treatment, wastewater treatment, wastewater disinfection, and cooling water use.
This book provides up-to-date information on chlorinated organics in the environment that can be used in monitoring, impact assessment, and decision-making processes.
This book elucidates the rate limiting step and removal mechanisms.
Chlorine Dioxide: The State of Science, Regulatory, Environmental Issues, and Case Histories : Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium, February...