Few faculty members in academic medical centers are formally prepared for their roles as teachers. This work is an introductory text designed to provide medical teachers with the core concepts of effective teaching practice and information about innovations for curriculum design, delivery and assessment. It offers brief, focused chapters with content that is assimilated easily by the reader. The topics are relevant to basic science and clinical teachers and the work does not presume readers possess prerequisite knowledge of education theory or instructional design. The authors emphasize the application of concepts to teaching practice. Topics include: Facilitating Student Learning; Teaching Large Groups; Teaching in Small Groups; Flipping the Classroom; Problem-Based Learning; Team-Based Learning; Teaching Clinical Skills; Teaching with Simulation; Teaching with Practicals and Labs; Teaching with Technological Tools; Teaching to Develop Scientific Engagement in Medical Students; Designing a Course; Establishing and Teaching Elective Courses; Designing Global Health Experiences; Assessing Student Performance; Documenting the Trajectory of Your Teaching and Teaching as Scholarship. This is a complete revision of the first edition of this work with new chapters and up to date information. Similar to the first edition, chapters were written by leaders in medical education and research who draw upon extensive professional experience and the literature on best practices in education. Although designed for teachers, the work reflects a learner-centered perspective and emphasizes outcomes for student learning. The book is accessible and visually interesting and the work contains information that is current, but not time-sensitive. Each chapter concludes with references, many include recommendations for additional reading, and the work includes an appendix with resources for medical education.
"[This book] provides a simple, interactive guide to the language of medicine.
Medical Education is changing rapidly and this new edition takes full account of a number of important recent developments. The text is fully updated after a thorough review of the medical education literature.
Davis, M.H., Harden, R.M., 1999. Problembased Learning: A Practical Guide. AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 15 AMEE, Dundee. The underpinning principles and an outline of the advantages and disadvantages of the approach.
We have progressed from the role of problem-identifier to that of solution-provider.This book provides a balanced overview of the ';why'; of medical education, emphasizing the need for change and adaptation, and the ';how';, by ...
An Introduction to Medical Terminology for Health Care: A Self-Teaching Package 5th Edition
Downs, England Figure 56 Aural speculum Downs, England Figure 57 Aural syringe ROOTROOT Myring (A New Latin word myringa, ... air to enter to aid drainage) (b) instrument used to cut the ear membrane Without using your Exercise Guide, ...
Introductory text for students with little knowledge of the language of medicine. Includes simple, nontechnical descriptions of pathological conditions, medical instruments, and clinical procedures. Workbook-style pages.
This is no longer true, and medical schools and postgraduate training programs in the developed world are now actively teaching professionalism to students and trainees.
Organized to follow the textbook on a chapter-by-chapter basis, providing questions to help the student review the material presented in the chapter.
Written by an expert editorial team with an international selection of authoritative contributors, this edition of ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine is an excellent introductory text for doctors and other health professionals ...