Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides ready access to the law applied to cases involving cross border issues in the Czech Republic. It offers every lawyer dealing with questions of conflict of laws much-needed access to these conflict rules, presented clearly and concisely by a local expert. Beginning with a general introduction, the monograph goes on to discuss the choice of law technique, sources of private international law, and the relevant connection with other laws. Then follows clear description and analysis of the rules of choice of law on natural and legal persons, contractual and non-contractual obligations, movable and immovable property, intangible property rights, company law, family law (marriage, cohabitation, registered partnerships, matrimonial property, maintenance, child law), and succession law (including testamentary dispositions). The presentation concludes with an overview of relevant civil procedure, examining lex fori and issues of national and international jurisdiction, acceptability and enforcement of foreign judgements, and international arbitration. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for lawyers handling cases in the Czech Republic. Academics and researchers, as well as judges, notaries public, marriage registrars, youth welfare officers, teachers, students, and local and public authorities will welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value in the study of private international law from a comparative perspective.
Naděžda Rozehnalová & JiŘí Valdhans, A Few Observations on Choice of Law, in Czech Yearbook of International Law 3-24 ... Brussels Convention to Regulation Brussels I Recast, in Remedies Concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements.
... 1995 ) 225–261 -'Gaat het grensoverschrijdend verbod in kort geding over de schreef ? ' ( 1996 ) BIE 258–267 ( published in German in ( 1997 ) GRUR Int 489-497 ) -'De voor- en nadelen van een Ferrari . Over het kort geding in zaken ...
Concise European Data Protection, E-Commerce and IT Law, 3d ed. 2018. Gillette, C.P. & Walt, S.D., The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Theory and Practice, 2d ed. 2016. Ginsburg, D.H. & Taladay, J.M., ...
This book addresses one of the core challenges in the corporate social responsibility (or business and human rights) debate: how to ensure adequate access to remedy for victims of corporate abuses that infringe upon their human rights.
101 See Para 68, Title VII “Real rights” of Law on Private International Law of the Czech Republic, No. 91/2012. The fact is that states give different names to things as per their characteristics and significance for a definite ...
Inheritance. Law. Legislation. Family law, which encompasses several statutes, is divided into the subfields of child law, ... Private Law Legislation: Åland 7 Finnish Private 174 T. Juutilainen 7.8 Family and Inheritance Law Legislation.
Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable time-saving tool for any practitioner faced with a property-related matter.
This book highlights the importance of optional choice of court agreements, and the need for future research and legal development in this area.
[The Development ofthe Provisions on the Public Procurements in the Czech Republic (pursuant to EU/EC Law)]. No. 1, pp. 36-56. ... Zdeněk Kučera, Mezinárodníprávo soukromé [Private International Law], Brno: Doplněk /Aleš Čeněk ...
applicable law and the agreement on dispute resolution may also be entered into anytime after the conclusion of the arbitration ... COMPARISON WITH THE LAW OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC (SLOVARBACT): Part One Fundamental Provisions Section 1 .