International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements: Drafting and Enforcing is a concise, practical primer on the fundamentals of drafting and enforcing international arbitration agreements and other dispute resolution clauses. Drawing on a wealth of practical experience and academic analysis by one of the world’s leading authorities on international arbitration and litigation, this extensively revised and expanded sixth edition provides model arbitration and forum selection clauses for international contracts and explains the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to reducing the risks inherent in cross-border transactions. The book is an essential resource for any international practitioner or corporate counsel engaged in international matters. Key Features include: Discussion of practical reasons for international arbitration and forum selection clauses Uncomplicated and practical guidance on drafting international arbitration and forum selection clauses Do's and Don't's for drafting Model international arbitration and forum selection clauses that permit efficient and effective dispute resolution Nearly 100 different model provisions Ad hoc versus institutional arbitration clauses Overview of leading arbitral institutions (including ICC, SIAC, ICDR/AAA, LCIA, HKIAC, PCA, ICSID, WIPO, VIAC, DIS, NAI and CRCICA) Overview of advantages and disadvantages of leading arbitral seats Forum selection clauses for national and international courts Multi-tier dispute resolution provisions Optional provisions for international arbitration and forum selection clauses (including arbitrator selection, arbitral procedure, costs of arbitration, provisional measures, waiver of annulment and currency of award) Discussion of pathological arbitration clauses and commonly-encountered defects And covers: Updated extensively to address developments through January 2021 New materials covering international courts and choice-of-law provisions Key reference materials in easy-to-use appendices About the author: Gary B. Born is one of the world’s leading authorities on international arbitration and litigation. He has practiced extensively in both fields in Europe, the United States, and Asia. He is the author of International Commercial Arbitration (Kluwer Law International 3rd ed. 2021), International Arbitration: Law and Practice (Kluwer Law International 2nd ed. 2016), International Commercial Arbitration: Cases and Materials (Aspen 2nd ed. 2015) and International Civil Litigation in United States Courts (Aspen 6th ed. 2018).
No lawyer involved in international transactions can afford to ignore this authoritative guide to planning and drafting international arbitration agreements and forum selection clauses.
In this enormously useful primer, Gary B. Born, an outstanding international practitioner and author of several pre-eminent works in international commercial law, leads the business lawyer expertly through the planning and drafting stages ...
No lawyer involved in international transactions can afford to ignore this authoritative guide to planning and drafting international arbitration agreements and forum selection clauses.
Preface and Acknowledgements --Preface and Acknowledgements to the Fifth Edition --Planning for International Dispute Resolution --Drafting International Forum Selection Clauses --Drafting International Arbitration Agreements --Enforcing ...
2006 ICSID Rules, Rule 39(4); Y. Derains & E. Schwartz, A Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration 37. 38. 299 (2005). See G. Born, International Commercial Arbitration 2632–35 (3d ed. 2021). 2021 ICC Rules, Art. 29 & App'x V; ...
V.3: " ... provides a detailed discussion of the issues arising from international arbitration awards.
"This book, by a leading international arbitration practitioner, offers suggested language for every option that a drafter of an international arbitration clause may need.
... obligations under Article 1102.231 NAFTAtribunals have also found breaches of Article 1106, which prohibits member States from imposing performance requirements on investors from the NAFTA region, in two cases, Archer Daniels v.
This book, the first of its kind, provides parties opting for “private justice” with vital judicial reassurance on U.S. courts’ highly supportive posture in enforcing awards and its pronounced reluctance to intervene in the arbitral ...
The Third Edition provides a systematic framework for both current analysis and future developments, as well as exhaustive citations from all leading legal systems.