The book provides an understanding of why disabled students experience inequality and exclusion within higher education and identifies those areas where change is needed to secure an inclusive educational environment.
Bridging the Gap: A Guide to the Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) in Higher Education in ... = Pontio'r Bwlch: Canllaw...
Nevertheless, there is a dearth of research concerning the specific experiences of disabled international students in English universities. With the increasing internationalisation of HE in the past two decades this is highly significant.
Ninety-five per cent of institutions in England and Wales and all institutions in Scotland had a disability officer. This was a part-time post in some ... Higher education has been through a period of major change since the mid-1980s.
Robson, J., Francis, B. and Read, B. (2004) 'Gender, student confidence and communicative styles at university: the views of lecturers in history and psychology', Studies in Higher Education, 29 (1), 7–23. Rodd, M. and Bartholomew, ...
First published in 1998, this volume compares disability services and strategies along with students with disabilities across various countries around the world.
Dodds , A.G. , Bailey , P. , Pearson , A. and Yates , L. ( 1991 ) Psychological factors in acquired visual impairment : the development of a scale of adjustment . Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness , 85 ( 7 ) , 306–10 .
Disability at the University is written by those that have traversed the terrain and experienced higher education with a disability. It is in many ways a manifesto, a call for change, a call to action.
This definition has greatly influenced accessibility researchers in the past two to three years (Seale & Cooper, 2010; Douce, Porch & Cooper, 2010; Sampson & Zervas, 2011): the term disability has been re-defined as a mismatch between ...
Focusing on learning support provision as a positive force in higher education, this is a examination of the continuum of inclusive education from school to further and higher education. The...
This Handbook is an essential starting point for cross-national examinations, comparisons, and discussions about state-of-the-art practices in higher education accessibility and service delivery support for disabled students.