NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2020: Deterrence in the 21st Century-Insights from Theory and Practice

NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2020: Deterrence in the 21st Century-Insights from Theory and Practice
T.M.C. Asser Press
Tim Sweijs, Frans Osinga


Chapter 1. Introduction.- Part I. Concepts of Deterrence (Evolution, Rediscovery, Conventional, Nuclear, Cross-domain).- Chapter 2. Understanding Deterrence.- Chapter 3. Deterrence Rediscovered: NATO and Russia.- Chapter 4. The Continuing Relevance of Conventional Deterrence.- Chapter 5. Nuclear Deterrence: A Guarantee for or Threat to Strategic Stability?.- Chapter 6. The US and Extended Deterrence.- Chapter 7. Deterrence by Punishment or Denial: The EFP Case.- Chapter 8. The Essence of Cross-domain Deterrence.- Part II. Non-Western Concepts of Deterrence.- Chapter 9. Deterrence à la Ruse: Its Uniqueness, Sources and Implications.- Chapter 10. An Overview of Chinese Thinking about Characteristics of Deterrence.- Chapter 11. Japanese Concepts of Deterrence.- Chapter 12. Deterrence (In)stability between India and Pakistan.- Chapter 13. Iran's Syria Strategy.- Chapter 14. The Evolution of Deterrence.- Part III. Deterrence of Non-State Actors.- Chapter 15. Deterring Violent Non-State Actors.- Chapter 16. All Deterrence is Local: The Utility and Application of Localised Deterrence in Counterinsurgency.- Chapter 17. "This has triggered a civil war" Russian Deterrence of Democratic Revolts.- Chapter 18. Deterrence in Peace Operations.- Part IV.- New Instruments and Domains of Deterrence.- Chapter 19. Sanctions and Deterrence: Targeted Sanctions.- Chapter 20. Deterrence, Resilience and the Shooting Down of Flight MH17.- Chapter 21. Cyber Deterrence: The Past, Present, and Future.- Chapter 22. New Technologies and Deterrence: Artificial Intelligence and Adversarial Behaviour.- Part V Rationality, Psychology and Emotions.- Chapter 23. Nuclear Deterrence in the Algorithmic Age: Game Theory Revisited.- Chapter 24. What's on the Human Mind? Decision Theory and Deterrence.- Chapter 25. Deterrence: A Continuation of Emotional Life with the Admixture of Violent Means.- Chapter 26. The Missing Component in Deterrence Theory: The Legal Framework.- Conclusion: Insights from Theory and Practice.

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