Creativity in the Classroom: An Innovative Approach to Integrate Arts Education provides curricular ideas for enhancing creative work in the classroom through the lens of integrative arts. The authors, both Art and Music Educators, provide practical ways in which to engage in creative thinking and making that can be applied to a variety of educational settings. Their work stems from years in the classroom teaching an integrative arts course at a public school in the United States. Through exploring big ideas such as identity, expression, storytelling, impact, and reaction, students learn to engage in a variety of creative art forms and work with others to create work that is meaningful. Each unit or big idea of study includes an explanation of the philosophy behind the unit, an overview of project ideas, and sample student workbook pages. Assessment strategies are provided with sample rubrics for evaluating student work.
"This book is designed to coach you through a project (a book, a ballet, a new business venture, a philanthropic enterprise) from conception to finished product, seeing it from the point of view of Resistance."--Page [1].
As members of the labor force their wages are significantly lower than those paid to men , even when they are engaged in similar work and have similar educational backgrounds . " Richard Wasserstrom , “ On Racism and Sexism ...
The Fertile Verge: Creativity in the United States : an Address Given at the Carnegie Symposium on Creativity, the Inaugural...
Designed to develop the language and reasoning skills of children at Key Stage 2, this book includes activities which have relevance to English, mathematics, science and citizenship.
The book is presented as a series of structured lesson plans to help teachers initiate and build on an adaptable programme that can be used in every subject area.
Mind Twisters: Grade 4
Creativity, 1, 2, 3
Abbott, L and Langston, A DFE Bruce, Tina Brunton, P &Thornton, L Call, N and Featherstone, S Call, N and Featherstone, S Charlesworth, Vicki Clancy, Mary-Ellen Cowley, Sue De Bono, Edward Dixon, A, Drummond, MJ, Epstein, Ann S Fisher, ...
This book explains why increasing mental agility leads to heightened innovation and creativity in the workplace. In Retrain Your Business Brain, restructuring expert and business consultant Donalee Markus, Ph.
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