Harry Potter es huerfano de padre y madre. Vive con Vernon y Petunia, sus abominables tios, y con el primo Dudley, malcriado e insoportable. Pero la suerte de Harry da un vuelco espectacular cuando recibe una carta anunciandole que tiene una vacante en un colegio de magia y hechiceria. Alli Harry aprendera encantamientos, trucos y tacticas de defensa contra las malas artes. Se convertira en el campeon escolar de Quidditch, especie de futbol aereo que se juega sobre escobas. Hara unos cuantos buenos amigos... y tambien algunos enemigos temibles. Y conocera los secretos que le permitiran cumplir con su destino. Porque, aunque no lo parezca a simple vista y ni el mismo este seguro, Harry no es un chico comun y corriente. !Es un verdadero mago! C?gil y divertida, esta novela brillante que entretiene a grandes y chicos, trajo a su autora la fama y la fortuna.
The first ever collection in paperback of Alan Bennett's fiction - published in the year when he has been given the British Book Lifetime Achievement Award Here are Alan Bennett's hugely admired, triumphantly reviewed and bestselling ...
HELPERBY BRAFFERTON HALL Map : 6d Cobblestones border the main street of Helperby , a village where the number of shops ( four ) just outnumbers the pubs . Fronting onto the narrow lane that leads to the church , Brafferton Hall was ...
Fourteen-year-old Harry Potter joins the Weasleys at the Quidditch World Cup, then enters his fourth year at Hogwarts Academy where he is mysteriously entered in an unusual contest that challenges his wizarding skills, friendships and ...
Collects in a boxed set the first six books in the series that relates the adventures of young Harry Potter, who attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he and others of his kind learn their craft.
Die Märchen von Beedle dem Barden
When the Chamber of Secrets is opened again at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, second-year student Harry Potter finds himself in danger from a dark power that has once more been released on the school.
During his third year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter must confront the devious and dangerous wizard responsible for his parents' deaths.
From the common playgoers to the royal patrons, this book explores Britain from the perspective of Shakespeareâ__s audience â__ revealing how the significant issues of the day were explored at the playhouse through objects and quotations ...