"'The Challenges of Modernity For Reindeer Management' (RENMAN) was a 36-month research and development project funded under the EU's 5th Framework Programme from February 2001 to January 2004. More than 35 scientists and students in the natural, physical and social sciences participated, coming from nine partner institutes in five countries, in addition to the active participation of many reindeer herders in northern Sweden, Norway, Finland and northwest Russia (Murmansk region). This report summarizes the findings from the 10 workpackages that encompassed the main research tasks. The main goals have been to develop a participatory model of research that involves herders directly in the research process and values their knowledge alongside that of traditional scientists working in the field and in the laboratory. In this way the project has developed scenarios and management proposals concerning the future of reindeer management in northernmost Europe"--Page 4 of cover