Edna Pontellier, a young married woman with two small children in this story from 1899, gradually awakens to her individuality and sexuality and experiences love outside of her passionless marriage
It was absurd to be thinking of Browning here on the edge of the grey Atlantic, where even the ridge a hundred yards away had almost disappeared under the rain that caused torrents to form in the choked channels and whipped standing ...
Prospice is Latin for "look ahead," an apt designation for this beautifully wrought debut sure to be embraced by all who love The Memory Keeper's Daughter or the novels of Julia Glass and Ann Patchett.
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Middle-aged professor becomes involved in a triangle when he picks up a female drug addict.
Der gelähmte Detective Lincoln Rhyme und seine Assistentin haben 48 Stunden Zeit, einen psychopathischen Auftragskiller auszuschalten, der darauf angesetzt ist, 3 Zeugen in einem Waffenschieberprozess zu ermorden.
Drowning in the freezing North Atlantic, Christopher Hadley Martin, temporary lieutenant, happens upon a grotesque rock, an island that appears only on weather charts.
"From the Dust Bowl to The Magic Kingdom, a defunct steel plant to a drowsy race book in an Atlantic City casino, Adult Daughters traces the human effort of trying to reconcile our pasts with our hopes for the future.