Recently, new compounds from medicinal plants were discovered, and they were used as anti-severe diseases. Therefore, this book covers interested research topics dealing with isolation, purification, and identification of active ingredients from wild and medicinal plants. This discovery will lead to an increase in the global pharmaceutical market as well as open such new gate for medicinal plant research. This book will add significant information to medical researchers and can be used for postgraduate students.
This book will add significant information to medical researchers and can be used for postgraduate students.
This book covers interesting research topics and the use of natural resources for medical treatments in some severe diseases.
This book provides readers a fundamental understanding of the science and applications of medicinal and aromatic plant materials. Chapters of this handbook covers the basics of ethnobotany, (bio)active compounds and their natural sources.
This practical handbook includes photos, detailed figures, and schematic drawings of machines tha
"This book provides comprehensive information on the origin, distribution, description of the plant, species and varieties, soil, climate, propagation, planting, nutrition, water and weed management, plant protection, harvesting and yield,...
These are also a major component of forming biodiversity in certain ecological areas. Plants are not only a source of varied products but also these are actively participating role in ecological balances in multifold directions.
The book covers method of cultivation and utilization of various aromatic plants. This is very useful book for farmers, technocrats, agriculture universities, libraries, new entrepreneurs etc.
The volume concludes with a chapter on the poisonous MAPs in our homes, offices and modern everyday environments. The aim of this volume is to offer basic scientific information on MAPs.
Scientific name Common name Major diseases Name Pathogen Pythium debarryanum Hesse . , Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn Verticillium albo - atrum Reinke & Berth Botrytis cinerea Pers . ex Fr. Corcospora papaveri Muller & Chupp . , Septoria spp ...
The present book Production Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants is a fundamental book on production technology of important medicinal and aromatic plants with their active ingredients and uses.