This book is essential for everyone...not just boyscouts or boys even, it is full of practical advice on just about everything... The original Boy Scout Handbook standardized American scouting and emphasized the virtues and qualifications for scouting, delineating what the American Boy Scouts declared was needed to be a -well-developed, well-informed boy.- The book includes information on the organization of scouting, signs and signaling, camping, scouting games, and a description of several scouting honors. Scouts past and present will be fascinated to see how scouting has changed in the ensuing years, and how it has stayed the same.
Scout Prayers
Levy's Boy & Girl Scout Cachet Covers of the United States
A skill-building reader introduces the "--Ot" word family in a story that finds Splat the Cat excitedly participating in Cat Scouts jamboree activities, including knot tying, fire building and escaping a mud puddle.
Scouting for Boys
Pioneering in Town and Country
Patrol Meeting Blueprints
Explains the advantages, responsibilities and membership requirements of scouting and provides the requirements and possible projects for earning skill awards and merit badges.
Outlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in citizenship in the community.
A Million Miracles: 75 Years at Philmont Scout Ranch