內容介紹 ☆隨書附贈抽獎券與折價券☆ 1. 回函抽獎:凡購買本書參加回函抽獎,即有機會抽中即有機會抽中【覓幸茶旅|Mystea Journey】草本茶組一組(草本纖美茶、黑豆胡麻茶、不知春馬鞭草,市價90元),以及CHANSON 強生健胸美腿貝殼機(JS-120,市價1980元,款式隨機出貨)一臺! 2. 隨書附贈:cookpad&花花老師聯名獎學金課程折價券1000元。 (活動詳情,請見書後內頁) 即便在減醣期間,仍然擋不住甜食的誘惑嗎? 外頭販賣的甜點都又甜又油,隨便吃一口都讓你熱量暴表、難以入口嗎? 別擔心,減醣料理天后花花老師,聽到你們想吃又想瘦的心聲了! 多年前因緣際會下踏入減醣生酮飲食的花花老師,長年專研營養知識與減醣料理,致力於打破減醣就要苦行的痛苦思維,用實驗來滿足你的味蕾!不論你是在減醣中仍渴望甜食的小資女,或是從未踏入廚房的烘焙新人,都可以快速做出又美又好吃的減醣甜點! 簡單好上手的減醣甜點 X 可延伸運用的搭配眉角 1.好吃又健康的減醣甜點 花花老師精心研究多達45款減醣甜點食譜,不但不用擔心一道甜品要做到天荒地老,更可讓你在減醣期間滿足口腹之慾! 2.滿足台灣在地的味蕾 為滿足大朋友、小朋友的口腹之慾,花花老師除了使用常見的巧克力、草莓以外,也融合台式甜點常見的紅豆、芋頭、碧螺春茶等元素,設計出符合在地口味又健康的減醣甜點! 3.可輕鬆學會的甜點搭配 手把手告訴你怎麼搭、怎麼配,可以做出最漂亮好吃的甜點,讓你可以簡單舉一反三,下一個社群軟體上閃耀的甜點搭配師就是你! 4.可隨意組合的創意甜點 書中的45款甜點,不但可以單品享用,更可以彼此組合成另一款獨創甜品,讓你的甜點在你創意的搭配下,呈現不一樣的美味! 減醣料理生活家花花老師,嚴選45款甜點,詳細說明食譜步驟,讓你即使手拙仍能做出夢幻減醣甜點。不論是派對上的甜食,或是日常可以享用的紅豆羊羹、抹茶慕斯,就讓花花老師精心設計的減醣料理,讓你不再需要望梅止渴、一口口滿足你的甜點癮!相信我,只要掌握減醣重點,你也可以吃的開心又健康! 本書特色 1.結合減醣與美味的甜點,讓你吃得健康又安心。 2.主打步驟簡單、使用現有器皿,即便手拙也能做出美麗的甜點。 3.運用書中45款甜點,只要互相組合就可以做出最獨創的創意甜品。 好評推薦 最好笑的甜點頻道 「厭世甜點店」 料理生活家 蘿瑞娜
He also started an educational wine program for staff and created the restaurant's first wine pairing menus. www.theinnatlittlewashington.com Kathy Casey is the chef-owner of Kathy Casey Food Studios in Seattle.
GIBSON. EVOE. A perfectionist conquers the seasons with a grill pan and a make-do playbook. Imagine you've wandered into a cooking show, but the audience is just you. Standing in what looks like a dorm room decorated by Sur La Table, ...
Gibson. Martini. Martinis are not only excellent, but also sophisticated. Ingredients: 6 parts gin or vodka 1 part dry vermouth 3 cocktail onions Directions: 1. Shake or stir gin (or vodka) and vermouth with ice. 2.
... 153; in calas, 175 Roanoke Island, N.C., 74 Roux, 12, 13, 16, 17, 84, 85 S St. Cecilia Punch, 189 St. Charles Hotel, 183 Salad: wilted, 133; composed, 135; potato, 135; tomato aspic, 140; cucumbers and onions, 141 Salisbury, ...
Food preservation teacher and cook Karen Solomon teaches you how to smoke, pickle, salt-cure, oil-cure, and dehydrate a variety of meats, dairy, fish, eggs, and other proteins economically and at home.
A lot of it was food that would ordinarily be a hard - sell on an à la carte menu . It was sort of funky food that people practically fell over — they were so impressed with it . But if we had put some of these dishes on our menu — like ...
Wineries of all types , sizes , and levels of quality buy and sell wines in bulk . Some sell all of their production that way . Most large producers buy significant amounts of bulk wines from other wineries and then BLEND , bottle , and ...
A comprehensive guide to whole-animal butchery, covering the rudiments of butchery; how meat animals are raised, slaughtered, and marketed; and the complexities of meat grading, carcass yield, marbling scores, and issues with inspection.
Two hip event planners team up to present a guide to throwing a fabulous party, offering insider tricks, fashionable tips, and clever strategies on choosing a creative theme, finding the perfect location, designing memorable invitations and ...
There's a complete resource guide in the back, not to mention savvy tips from Puff Daddy, Russell Simmons, Lara Flynn Boyle, David Copperfield, Hugh Jackman, and Donald Trump.