介紹"完全沉浸"(Total Immersion, TI)游泳訓練法,打破一般人對傳統游泳訓練的既有印象,重拾學習游泳的樂趣.想學習蛙式,自由式卻不知該從何下手;已經到泳訓班受過訓練,也花費苦工不斷練習,為何泳技卻毫無進步?游泳高手們在水中悠游如魚,為何我們在水中卻游得礙手礙腳?游泳不難入門,但想游得輕鬆,游得漂亮卻非易事.作者以長達40年的親身體驗,研究傑出泳者的體態動作,將豐富的觀察結果化為簡單易學的教材,並以這種訓練方式嘉惠無數學子,這種全新的游泳技巧,稱之為"完全沉浸"(Total Immersion, TI)訓練法.TI訓練法實施後,得到卓越的成果;不論泳者年紀多寡,都能很快掌握輕靈悠遊的訣竅,進而獲得學習游泳的樂趣.作者以簡單的語彙,幽默的言詞引導泳者突破對"水"的恐懼,再以清楚詳實的分解動作,全面講解蛙式,自由式,甚至高難度的蝶泳,讓每個人都能輕鬆成為游泳高手;另外搭配有4片DVD教學光碟,觀看教練示範各種技巧,再進入泳池中實戰練習,學習成果自然加倍.4片DVD教學光碟: 1, 蛙式2, 仰式3, 蝶式4, 自由式
This volume presents the method they have developed and is designed for all swimmers who are looking for new ways in swimming training.
Beginning Swimming
Whether you are taking part of just watching, swimming is an exciting and dramatic sport. Discover everything you need to know about it from training to competition.
It's a big day for Darren. He will try to swim a length for the first time. Mr Woods thinks he can do it, but Darren isn't so sure.
... you can become a member and partake of the organization's publications , clinics , and other resources . Write to 2 Peter Ave. , Rutland , MA 01543 , or call Dorothy Donnelly at ( 508 ) 886-6631 . United States Swimming .
Coaching foundation - Stroke technique - Coaching plans - Meets - Evaluation.
The Final Lap
Explores the metaphor of swimming lessons as instructions for life, from how to enter the water to swimming in the ocean. This is not just a book about learning to swim. It is a book about learning to live.
The Mark Spitz Complete Book of Swimming