《山居歲月》、《出走紐西蘭》的知名譯者、作者尹萍, 不斷挑戰自己,跨越年齡的極限、身體的極限、地理的極限, 這次她親身重履百年南極探險英雄的足跡。 這不只是一趟探險之旅,更是一趟身心修行的驗證之旅。 出發前往南極,親身走一趟「羅斯、阿蒙森與史考特」
A1 commented that Casey is traditionally considered to have lower morale than any other station , because of the tunnel design of the old station ( now superseded and removed ) and because it is the least scenic of the Australian ...
In visiting a rice plantation, my object was not so much to satisfy myself that the slave-owners of America are kind to their negroes, as to satisfy the public opinion...
In 1970, a second lode of Hart materials came to light, the 77 volumes of his journals, begun on the day of his arrival in China in 1854 and ending at his departure in 1908, with two short but significant gaps in the first decade where he ...
Journal of a Visit to the Georgia Islands is a record of that trip, and although unsigned, internal evidence points directly to prominent Georgia entrepreneur Jonathan Bryan (1708-1788) as the author.
「我生命中有很長一段時間是住在不屬於我的地方, 我一直是個不折不扣的異鄉人。」 ──保羅‧索魯 ...
“译文华彩”是上海译文出版社推出的全新书系。主题明确,分辑出版,每辑五种,配以符合主题风格的精美封面,由新生代优秀设计师周伟伟老师操刀设计。内容上,充分利用上海 ...
每個地方都可以看見魔鬼的影子, ? 只有勇敢面對, ? 才能發現後方來自天堂的微光! ? 這是一本關於人的書。 ? ...
The author of Italian Neighbors takes a lighthearted look at Italian family life with an eye for detail and character that reveals the nature of relationships and culminates in a beach holiday epitomizing the best in Italian life. 30,000 ...