你是否有發現,常常看到英文成語的時侯, 單獨看裡面的單字你都有學過, 但將它們湊在一起時卻讓你看的一頭霧水! 甚至是誤解了成語原先的意思。 你可能會在心裡想「到底該怎麼記憶英文成語?」 就讓《英文成語典故Tell Me Why》來幫你! 本書幫你統整了超過400個常見且實用的英文成語, 以典故、由來的方式,介紹背後蘊含的歷史背景與文化, 讓你輕鬆閱讀英文成語背後的小故事, 藉由這樣的方式加強你對英文成語的認識, 並讓英文學習擁有更多的樂趣。 成語按照字母A~Z排列,更在書末附上索引,方便尋找特定成語。 每三回附贈一回「單元測驗」,讓你閱讀過後可以即時檢驗。 本書讓學習英文成語從今以後不再是一件煩心事! 學習英文成語就像a piece of cake!
Justin Timberlake When I die, bury me on the golf course so that my husband will visit. Give me golf clubs, fresh air, and a beautiful partner, ...
Why should Hollywood stars be the only ones who have an entourage?
With just a cold beer in his hand and a goofy grin on his face, recently-dumped Jake Timberlake is a lovable loser trying to move on with his life one misadventure at a time.
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... Monkhams) Chapter 3: Traffic Quotes: Sue Nelson, Claire Rumble, Dr Julian Litten, Pat Cutler, Christine Brassey, Peter Lawrence Photos: Irene and John Buchan, E7NowandThen, Graham Frankel Inspiration: Julian Litten (Encounter at the ...
His invention enabled him to sell a writing tool to almost everyone in the USA. Archie made a tiny profit on each pen but he sold a lot of pens, even in 1892. From those humble beginnings, the Van Cleefs branch out until they own a ...
Both think the Three Stooges are hilarious. And both love to be told, You are sooooo big! But this is reason to celebrate, not fret, because knowing this gives you the inside advantage.
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