压纸钢片离输纸板约为3张纸的高度,用来压住纸不往上跳,使纸平稳地运行。最后一道是双张控制器,模切机有两种双张控制器,机械式和光电式,较常用的是机械式。双张控制器的作用是检测双张,若有双张立即停机。机械式和光电式的检测原理不同,机械式是通过上下两 ...
American Decorative Arts: 360 Years of Creative Design
Dried Flower Arrangements from Garden, Bush and Seashore
The twenty-first century has seen an explosion in all kinds of crafting. The rise and rise of knitting as a cool pastime has led to circles and clubs springing up...
This text offers a treatment of the history, symbolism, and social function of tattooing in Japan, from its earliest beginnings to the present day.
Today's crafters are no longer interested in simply cross-stitching samplers or painting floral scrolls on china. Instead,the contemporary craft movement embraces emerging artists, crafters, and designers working in traditional and...
More than 350 beautiful color photographs and a descriptive text depict 18th to mid-20th century Mexican devotional art including danced masks, devils and angels, santos, milagritos, retablos, and ex-votos. These...
Describing himself as a "visual jackdaw", master designer Alan Fletcher has spent a lifetime collecting images, useless information, quotations and scraps that take his fancy. This work distils this collection...
?一本好手帳、一套好文具,可以帶給妳工作與生活上的徹底改變!有的人可以利用筆記養成夢寐以求的好習慣,有的人可以善用文具把辦公桌上的雜亂徹底重整,有的人則利用漂亮的手帳本儲存自己最美麗的回憶。你呢?準備好好挑選一本好手帳、購入一批好文具,開始重整自己的人生、制定未來的計畫、保存人生的紀錄了嗎?這本「神奇的手帳整理魔法:手寫筆記×文具控,50個ideas讓工作生活更美好」要推薦給喜歡手帳、喜愛文具的你與我,同時滿足兩個文具控的大需求:1. 有什麼樣的手帳和文具可以挑選,各有什麼優點?怎麼買到適合自己的文具?2. 擁有這些手帳和文具後,如何善用他們,利用有效的筆記方法,把自己的時間管理與生活效率重新拉上軌道?透過作者廣博的手帳、文具知識,以及切身的使用經驗,要帶著大家細數那些讓人心動的文具,但是更要帶著大家把這些文具活用,讓這些文具發光,透過 50 個和手帳文具有關的巧思,一起打點我們的工作與生活。【目錄】Part1 讓好手帳決定你的成功行動!?Part2 學習超記憶手帳文具活用術Part3 上班衝衝衝手帳文具懶人包Part4 旅行大充電手帳文具自由行Part5 效率高手的文具術進階心法出版商名稱?創意市集
From selecting the flowers, wiring the stems, and preparing containers to creating elaborate displays, Malcolm Hillier explains all the principles of decorating with dried flowers. Full-color illustrations.