(4-2) García-Sastre,A.,Egorov,A.,Matassov,D.,Brandt,S.,Levy, D.E., Durbin, J.E., Palese, P. and Muster, ... (3-12) Glazier, K.S., Hake, S.B., Tobin, H.M., Chadburn, A., Schattner,E.J.and Denzin,L.K.: Germinal center B cells regulate ...
The Immune System Cure: Nature's Way to Super-powered Health
The books includes information on how the system can be affected and/or damaged by substances such as drugs and by physical injuries.
Sistem imun: kecederaan, penyakit, dan kesihatan
It is known that during phagocytosis oxygen is used up , hydrogen peroxide is produced and used to destroy the germ which has been captured and the hexose monophosphate shunt ( the chemical process whereby the cell gets more energy from ...
Kuby mian yi xue
Kuby mian yi xue
免疫兵團: 抗病大作戰