This book will provide you with the essential information that you will need throughout all stages of this disease.
Keith Lillemoe, chair of surgery at MGH, is the series editor. Each volume will cover one area of surgery and will be written by faculty and residents of a single institution renowned for its work in that area"--
INTELLIGENCE FOR THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER The second edition of the book on colorectal cancer (colon and rectal cancer) in the Intelligent Patient Guide series, national best-selling books for cancer patients and their families.
Biomarkers and colorectal cancer.
The Gut Flush Plan: A Breakthrough Cleansing Program ; Flushes Fattening Toxins ; Boosts Your Metabolism ; Fortifies Your Health
Includes material on HCI, probiotics, digestive enzymes, yeast, parasites, superbugs, and food sensitivites.
... for Women The Type 2 Diabetic Woman The Thyroid Sourcebook for Women Depression Women Women and Sadness : A Sane Approach to Depression Women of the ' 60s Turning 50 50 Ways to Prevent Colon Cancer M. Sara Rosenthal Foreword.
This book provides essential didactic content for the SAGES University Masters Program Colorectal Surgery Curriculum.