/作者簡介/ 謝大立 *學歷 台灣神學院 神學博士(Ph. D. ) 東南亞神學研究院 神學碩士(M. Th.) 台灣神學院 道學碩士(M. Div. ) 宗教文學士(B. A. R.) 中台醫事技術專科學校放射技術科 *現職 加拿大長老教會 Westminster 中會 溫哥華台灣基督長老教會 牧師 *經歷 台灣基督長老教會 傳道師(鳳山西門教會) 國外宣教牧師(派駐新加坡長老大會華文中會擔任嘉恩堂主理牧師) 台灣神學院講師(派駐印尼蘇門答臘宣教研究) 台灣基督精兵協會祕書長 *編著 《揚聲高唱咱的歌:口述歷史與教會史研究初探》(2013) 《跨時代的見證人:高李麗珍女士口述實錄》(2010) 《莿帕中的百合花:林高雪貞女士口述實錄》(2008) 《謝緯和他的時代》、《謝緯日記》(2001) 《擁抱鄉土情─社區的好鄰居:教會》(1994) *合編 《跨越邊界:來自蘇門達臘的呼聲》(2003) 《e眼識約拿》(2004) /內容簡介/ 馬偕拼搏的宣教人生,活出「焚而不燬」的生命以及「
跟耶穌學領導力: 給今日領袖一個永不過時的模式
An Examination of American Moral Traditions Roger G. Betsworth. Schlesinger , Arthur M. , Jr. The Cycles of American History . Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1986 . Robert Kennedy and His Times . Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1965 .
The Language of Silence: The Changing Face of Monastic Solitude
Few Christians can agree on how believers should interact with the culture at large. Should they embrace it wholeheartedly? Reject it altogether? Form a subculture? Or pursue a more excellent...
Throughout his long evangelistic career and in his many books, Dr. Billy Graham has told millions about Christ's offer of eternal life. Now he calls for Christians to confront the...
Thomas Mertron (1951-1968), the Trappist monk and author, remains one of the most influential spiritual guides of the twentieth century. Beginning with his autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, and scores...
Church History/Theology Throughout his life, William Booth sought to minister to the least, the last, and the lost. Booth, together with his wife Catherine, founded and organized the world-wide mission...
Basic Training, Plain Talk on the Key Truths of the Faith
Do Christianity and modern liberal democracy share a common moral vision, or are they opposed and even hostile to each other? In Christian Faith and Modern Democracy, Robert Kraynak challenges...