Peeta葛格是目前瘦身相關領域Youtuber,本書會先教你簡單的理論知識,因為要有基礎的一些知識,你才能看得懂之後講的東西。 第1章 體脂38%到8%的過程 .從小就是胖子的我怎麼成功減掉30公斤? .為什麼開始健身? .第一次減到10%以下的體脂 .為何開始拍Youtube?這本書會有什麼? 第2章 體態改造的關鍵? .好體態的三個關鍵 .何時增肌、何時減脂? .為何你該開始增肌而不是減脂? 第3章 營養學重要知識 .控制飲食重要的關鍵:主要營養素 .最常被忽略的重點:微量營養素 .認識代謝、以及熱量平衡 .認識胰島素以及荷爾蒙型肥胖 第4章 飲食 .間歇性斷食以及常見問題 .混合飲食的優缺點 .極低醣/生酮飲食介紹以及優缺點分析 .碳循環飲食:更靈活的調整飲食方式 第5章 重訓 .重訓的重要知識 .重訓進步的關鍵 .重訓課表安排的重點 第6章 增肌、增肌減脂的飲食以及運動 .增肌的關鍵 .增肌需要控制的飲食重點 .增肌的重訓安排 .增肌減脂的關鍵 第7章 減脂飲食以及運動 .減脂期間的重點整理 .減脂期間的運動規劃 .正確減脂觀念 第8章 Peeta減脂計畫 .3個月達到最好的減脂效果 .每個月需要注意的事項 .如何不復胖 第9章 補給品 .哪些補給品好用? 第10章 睡眠 .幫助睡眠的方式 第11章 食譜 極低醣/生酮飲食 .日式涼拌雞絲 .培根起司高麗菜蛋捲 .甜椒起司嵌肉 .波菜牛肉烘蛋 .韓式起司春川炒雞 .滷味 .千層火鍋 .鮭魚生酮沙拉 .蒜香生酮炒飯 .生菜包打拋豬肉 混合飲食 .西班牙番茄雞肉鍋飯 .番茄奶油蘆筍鮭魚飯 第12章 後記 .改變體態、改變人生 .寫些打家感謝詞 附錄 高效率增肌課表
He also started an educational wine program for staff and created the restaurant's first wine pairing menus. Kathy Casey is the chef-owner of Kathy Casey Food Studios in Seattle.
GIBSON. EVOE. A perfectionist conquers the seasons with a grill pan and a make-do playbook. Imagine you've wandered into a cooking show, but the audience is just you. Standing in what looks like a dorm room decorated by Sur La Table, ...
Gibson. Martini. Martinis are not only excellent, but also sophisticated. Ingredients: 6 parts gin or vodka 1 part dry vermouth 3 cocktail onions Directions: 1. Shake or stir gin (or vodka) and vermouth with ice. 2.
... 153; in calas, 175 Roanoke Island, N.C., 74 Roux, 12, 13, 16, 17, 84, 85 S St. Cecilia Punch, 189 St. Charles Hotel, 183 Salad: wilted, 133; composed, 135; potato, 135; tomato aspic, 140; cucumbers and onions, 141 Salisbury, ...
Food preservation teacher and cook Karen Solomon teaches you how to smoke, pickle, salt-cure, oil-cure, and dehydrate a variety of meats, dairy, fish, eggs, and other proteins economically and at home.
A lot of it was food that would ordinarily be a hard - sell on an à la carte menu . It was sort of funky food that people practically fell over — they were so impressed with it . But if we had put some of these dishes on our menu — like ...
Wineries of all types , sizes , and levels of quality buy and sell wines in bulk . Some sell all of their production that way . Most large producers buy significant amounts of bulk wines from other wineries and then BLEND , bottle , and ...
A comprehensive guide to whole-animal butchery, covering the rudiments of butchery; how meat animals are raised, slaughtered, and marketed; and the complexities of meat grading, carcass yield, marbling scores, and issues with inspection.
Two hip event planners team up to present a guide to throwing a fabulous party, offering insider tricks, fashionable tips, and clever strategies on choosing a creative theme, finding the perfect location, designing memorable invitations and ...
There's a complete resource guide in the back, not to mention savvy tips from Puff Daddy, Russell Simmons, Lara Flynn Boyle, David Copperfield, Hugh Jackman, and Donald Trump.