This collection provides splendid moments of enjoyment and entertainment, yet conveys the serious message that humor is an essential part of our humanity--very much a part of god's plan for our lives.
Oscar Wilde. was too much for Oscar , who bitingly commented : ' Yes , dear Frank , we believe you – you have dined in every house in London , once . His brand of repartee had no equal . One occasion when he was called upon to uphold ...
A collection of topical verse and prose originally written by Charles Osgood for his "Newsbreak" spot on the CBS Radio Network.
No one renders the pathos, chaos and impossible variety of daily encounters like David Sedaris.
Star Tracks Ryan's Hope No , Ryan O'Neal , 37 , is not showing Roseanne Roseannadanna , 31 , how good he was in “ Love Story " with Ali McGraw , 39. What Tatum's dad is pointing to are the photogs that were snapping pictures of R.
Please God, Don't Let Me Laugh Now
開啟喜悦之門: 幽默藝術
本书收录了作者1990年至1996年期间创作的七篇非虚构类的散文.美国电视所窥视的美国人的常态到作家青少年时打网球的经历,从伊利诺伊州的博览会到大卫林奇的电影 ...
He didn't reform me , but he made my skin prickle August 24 , 1976 A man stood up during Sunday services in Cliff Haskins ' church and said that maybe God doesn't exist in a human form but rather is a mass of electricity .